Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Opportunity For Bitter Or Better

--by alisamom, posted Jul 3, 2016
Yesterday I got angry. It had been a long day. . And a stressful week. And this week isn't looking any better. And so I started to get upset when my mom in law asked me to cut her hair. But I know she has no money to go to a salon, and so I decided that I don't want to get upset, I want to see this as an opportunity to be kind and helpful. And I enjoyed being able to help her and I'm glad I did it :) and she was happy with the result 😀💈
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: comment disappeared! Thank you for transforming your stress into a postive :))).
Mish wrote: You "switched gears" magnificently! So well done by you. May your week be filled with peace & kind :((
mnc_91 wrote: Great change from i to e ... :-)
splain wrote: You did well. I am so impressed with you turning that anger into being so helpful. Hope the rest of your week is calm, happy and filled with kindness , especially for you.
scushman wrote: Nice way to turn it around. It really softens the heart when we do, doesn't it? It becomes more of a gift to ourselves, I find. Namaste _/|\_ ૐ☮
kjoyw wrote: You redirected that angry energy so well and turned it into positive energy to help your MIL in a way that she really needed help! Well done!
pia777 wrote: Wow, i admire you. Thank you for giving an example to sway negative emotions with prioritized love

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