Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Little Things Mean A Lot ( To Me )

--by Kaige, posted Jun 26, 2016
Today was a special day for me. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to spread a little love and kindness today.  I had doctor's appointments in a town that's about 45 minutes from where I live and I enjoy the drive there because I get to see the mountains reveal themselves the further north I travel.

After both my appointments were done, I thanked everyone who had tended to me and started walking down from the building ( through a somewhat lengthy breezeway) and I noticed an elderly woman sort of pacing at the end. I excused myself and asked if she was waiting for someone or did she need assistance.

As it turns out, she was having trouble walking the distance and had paged for a wheelchair and staff member to pick her up. No one had come for several minutes. Now, let me explain something, Virginia heat, is kind to NO ONE. It was so muggy out that I was concerned or this dear lady's health.

I asked her to please sit while I went to get her wheelchair myself. I ran full speed to the help desk and asked for a wheelchair to assist a lady outside. The receptionist asked me " Is she heavy?" I was so insulted by the question and answered," She's a bit large I suppose but if transporting her is an issue for you, I am willing to do it myself."

She looked sort of taken aback by my comment and I didn't mean to be disarming but the woman outside needed help, no matter her size. The help desk woman and I walked to the end of the breezeway to the now seated lady. Help desk person extended her hand to help the lady who said to her, "No, I'm fine, I want to grab on to her for help." She was referring to me.

I carefully,slowly and attentively helped the woman into the wheelchair but first locked the brakes so that she would be more steady. After she was seated, she softly looked up to me and thanked me for my help.How could I not have helped her? I just wanted her to be alright.

When I returned home, I called my best friend to ask if she needed me. She did. She needed me to take her and her boyfriend to the Boost Mobile Store. I did and took them back home. I took one of our new kitties with me on my jaunt this evening. After all was taken care of, I took my friends back home and thanked them for the opportunity to help them and that I appreciated it.  Blessings my KS family. I'm grateful to be within such a lovely fold.
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Readers Comments

scy wrote: How kind you are!
I'm a senior high student in china and i'm coming to tell you that your passage is used as a reading task in our exam. I believe at least hundreds of students have already known your kindness. Your beatiful act really impress us
splain wrote: I so love your post. Wonderful in just so many ways. Thanks for being so kind and caring.
brindlegirl wrote: You are kindness walking. You embody kindness. It's beautiful 💕
mish wrote: You are a "special" soul, Kaige. 💖👼💖
leoladyc728 wrote: what a wonderful day you had. Thank you so much for helping that woman in need.
1sher wrote: How perfect you were there~
melnotes wrote: So loved reading this post! What a wonderful day and thankyou do much for sharing with us all xx
scushman wrote: keep up spreading your light!
Namaste _/|\_ ૐ ☮ ૐ ღღღ

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