Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Honesty Was My Greatest Friend That Day

--by alisamom, posted Jun 28, 2016
We took a road trip this weekend to visit some long-time friends that we don't see very often. This was our first time visiting them ever, yet they've driven half-way across the country several times just to visit us (they are only 6 hours away now). Anyway, I tried to take the opportunity to spread a bit of kindness - I gave away a dove and put post-it notes in all the restrooms. And all of us had a great time just hanging out together and chatting.

There's something great about being with long-time friends: they'll tell you stuff others wouldn't. And so this weekend I was told that I am pretty "bashing" toward a certain group of people. And that surprised me, because I thought I was getting better at that. Because I've been working toward being less judgmental, less negative, more positive, more accepting, just kinder all around. I guess I'm not as far along as I thought I was.

I'm glad he told me. Now I know what needs more work!
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Readers Comments

splain wrote: Actually sometimes when people know you well but haven't been in your company on a regular basis, they often view you as you used to be and not how you are now. When I was very young I used to wash all the clothes together. One day my sister said to me when I was about 50, you wash your clothes whites and colors together. I just laughed and said , "maybe 30 odd yrs ago but not now. we all change". The point I am making is she had this view of me that wasn't the today me. people see what they remember. I will bet you have changed a lot but they just don't "see " it yet.
mnc_91 wrote: All time friendship kindness :-)
mindyjourney wrote: Isn't it fun to travel with kindness ??? So glad you enjoyed time with friends and the open hearted connect :))
scushman wrote: Good to have an open mind and heart and accept what one needs to work on. That is huge! Congrats! Namaste _/|\_ ∞ ૐ ღღღ ૐ ☮ ∞ ☸
mish wrote: We are all "works in progress" matter how far we have come, we can always improve on our perfect selves :)
kiwicat wrote: I lve the aok on your road trip!

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