Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Good Bye North Face!

--by kiwicat, posted Jul 1, 2016
This is an unfolding story. I once came across bedding all folded up behind the swimming pools where I walk my dog Roux. I wondered at the time who was sleeping there and why, what had happened in their life that this is how they had to live. 

I then saw a young woman walking away from the area when I was walking. I was surprised and wondered if she was the person sleeping rough. I saw her again the next day, walking towards that area of the park. Roux the ice breaker, ran up to her for a pat, and she smiled and she is young, mid teens?

I asked her if she was sleeping there and she looked embarrassed and said "no" and I didn't believe her. It was winter at the time. She had a T-shirt on and a small rucksack and looked cold.

I thought of Mindy (A KindSpring Member)  Oh well I thought and took my lovely North Face 'wind wall' jacket off and gave it to her. I'm not as big hearted as Mindy, because I hesitated, its a nice jacket, a rather expensive nice jacket, and warm and wind proof. I emptied the pockets of all my bits and pieces and handed it over to her. She had tears in her eyes, and thanked me and put it on. "Oh, it's still warm" she said. It wasn't an easy give. I wished that was the day I had worn my $25 dog walking jacket!! But her needs were greater than mine. 
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Readers Comments

splain wrote: Oh I so love what you did. It makes me teary. Her parents would be so grateful for you doing this beautiful act of kindness. yes we often are in the position of giving what we really love. Hard but you did it. So proud of you
Novice50 wrote: This is one of the most touching stories I have read. Your kindness is becoming legendary - Wow! Thank you for sharing.
Mish wrote: Totally AWESOME!!! Bless ❤️
debmeron wrote: wow... wow... wow... how beautiful... how absolutely beautiful... and something that many of us could imagine doing or would wish we would do... but would we really??? you did!!!
Kaige wrote: Bless you a thousand times. Thank you.
lya348 wrote: You did an amazing kindness to someone obviously in need. Jackets can be replaced, gifts like that can't!
mnc_91 wrote: Oh thank you so much dear Kiwi for that wonderful give :-)
brindlegirl wrote: Not as big hearted as Mindy because you hesitated .... oh Kiwi BUT YOU GAVE!!! You still gave that Jacket and that means everything. So much. I am so proud of you xox
mindyjourney wrote: Such a truly kind act, my friend...unplanned yet Divinely bidden <3. Thank you for doing...such a coat with keep the young woman warm with your loving compassion as well. Beautiful, dear kiwi <3.
suse15 wrote: You gave purely, deliberately and a life is better because of your graciousness and obedience. Wow! Great give!

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