Stories of Kindness from Around the World

What I learned from Facebook "Memories"

--by alisamom, posted Aug 9, 2016
The other day I clicked on "see memories" on Facebook and I realized that all of my old posts were so negative and bashing....and then I realized how much I've changed in these last 2.5 years since I've discovered kind spring....and I'm glad that I don't feed that negative side anymore (most days. Some days are harder).

Thank you all for showing me how to be kind again.

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Readers Comments

mish wrote: Beautiful transformations enabled here! We are blessed. Big hugs for you ❤️
splain wrote: Doesn't it make you feel so good when you can look back to something like old memories on "FB and really see how you have grown. You are so lucky to be able to see those old post.
scushman wrote: awesome! way to go! the attitude of gratitude really does work! :)
RoseMarie wrote: Lovely reflection. X 💓
Brindlegirl wrote: Kindspring changes the hearts of all who enter xox
healingtree wrote: Thank you for sharing this change! It is inspiring.
leoladyc728 wrote: so wonderful that change has occurred in your life. Mine, too.
mindyjourney wrote: Like dorothy and the Wizard of always had the power! :))))
melnotes wrote: Isn't it awesome how kindspring makes us better all round people! Great reflection!
mnc_91 wrote: Kind spring is an oasis of goodness :-)

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