Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Always Start With Gratitude

--by spirit39943, posted Feb 25, 2009

We all say "have a smile on your face."  You know what I recommend to everyone to have a more positive life? To start the day with gratitude: gratitude for being alive, for all well being and welfare that you experience. Not only will your face start to smile, but also your heart and mind. And who's familiar with the Universal Law of Attraction knows this: that positive thoughts become positive things.

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Readers Comments

liztree wrote: Spirit - I agree completely! Living in a state of gratitude can really change your life!
lmil1954 wrote: Spirit what a beautiful name! I am so grateful to God every single day of my life! And I'm grateful that you are here! Love, Linda:)
makesomeonesmile wrote: I agree very much! I try to spend the first 5 minutes of my day thanking God for things in my life. It is a great way to start the day! Thanks for sharing!
onefish2fish wrote: Graditude is such a wonderful feeling. may we all have an Attitude of Graditude! ~ Stacey
cabbage wrote: Great way to both start and end the day too! It puts the mind in a good frame to fall asleep too :-) (Rather than thinking of my "to do" list or negative thoughts)
Thanks to you for the beautiful thought!
:-) Hugs and smiles to you.
hotcocoa wrote: Nice
girlgolite wrote: Always great to hear anyone say this. So true, so helpful, so meaningful.

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