Readers Comments
lovbitz1290 wrote: LOL i love tis story
makesomeonesmile wrote: When we are young we don't always realize the true meaning of things. Glad your daughter learned the lesson there. Good job Mom! :)
jaydeebug wrote: Love it! I was 19 when I had my first son back in 1964. As me and the baby were wheeled out to see those who had been waiting for us (family was not allowed in the room back then) I looked at my Mom and with tears I said "I am SO sorry for anything I ever did or said that hurt you!" I remember thinking it was now my turn to be in her shoes....Thanks for the memory, sounds like your daughter came to the same conclusion.
modida wrote: It's amazing how these things stick with you, these imagined betrayals. I once (age 8 or 9) asked my Mom to give me back a present I'd given her so I could give it to my teacher. Of course it didn't bother her, and she likely doesn't remember it, but I've always felt guilty about it, and I'm 43 now!
AURELIA wrote: How sweet. Sometimes we do have to be patient and wait for our children to come around. Saying I'm sorry like that is a wonderful gift. It must have really bothered her all this time too.
Happy Mother's Day. ~Aurelia :0)
Happy Mother's Day. ~Aurelia :0)
lovebug wrote: Great story Linda, good things come to those who are willing to wait. Good thing you still had time on your side.
Happy Mothers Day.
Happy Mothers Day.
PayingForward wrote: Wow, what a neat story, Linda. There's something about becoming a mom that helps us realize how important and special our own mom is and has been in our lives. I'm so glad that your daughter gave you this beautiful gift of remembrance and apology. Being a mom myself, I totally understand. When our daughters begin to really realize the depth of our love for them it's one of the biggest blessings in life. Thank you for sharing your story. Happy Mother's Day.:)
JuneBug wrote: I got ''snippy'' with my daughter a few nights ago when I watched Belle for her and she showed up over an hour late. My daughter works at a drugstore in a very bad neighborhood so I became worried. Even hubby was about to go look for her. I told her my feelings and she got mad at me. A day or so later, I called to apologize and I got voice mail. I apologized anyway and told her someday she will understand because she has a daughter too. Today she called me back and all is well...KIDS!!!! :)
bhappy wrote: Linda, what a wonderful story. If only we would listen to our parents more. `Olive you, Becki
molly273 wrote: That's a beautiful story. I hope you had a very Happy Mother's Day!