Readers Comments
lovebug wrote: This web-site has also been a life line for me. What a wonderful age we are living in. You got to thank hundreds of people at one time, one stamp now costs 42 cents, how many people would I beable to thank. Glad to hear you only needed to hang on by a eyelash, me I had to use my finger nails.
AURELIA wrote: We are all blessings to one another. I don't know who I would turn to if I couldn't turn to you all. :0) ~Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: I have such an addiction to this site! I love reading the posts and all those who take the time to post them! :)
babylion wrote: you are very patient and thankful. two of the best qualities.
bhappy wrote: Joyful, I thank God for this website and all the wonderful people here. Each post and comment helps strengthen me when I'm down. Have A Wonderful Sunny Tomorrow....Luv, Becki
jaya wrote: Thank you so much dear! We are all blessed to help each other and make someone's day! I am happy to help and have learned to remain patient
Tigerlily wrote: Oh, that is so wonderful. In the whole world there are no finer people than the ones that love to "helpothers". Continued blessings wished on you! :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! You are a wonderful part of this too. All of our friends in kindness and their stories can help us all.
tressyanne wrote: That is awesome!!!!!!! been thinking of you. good things come to those who wait. sometimes the wait takes an eternity but there is light at the end of the tunnell.
Have a special day.
Have a special day.
lmil1954 wrote: Hey joyful- we are glad YOU are here-you have been a blessing- and I so agree-many many of my gray days have turned bright when coming here! I love it!! Thanks for your post. And you, my friend are more than welcome!!! Love, Linda:)