Readers Comments
Mish wrote: You are indeed a Kindness Angel, Kiwi 💖
splain wrote: love what you did
laughingsoul wrote: Who knows, maybe it was a good luck for the bag to be found by somebody else, possible the lovely lady who has a lot on her plate may have not needed the beautiful present right now.
KiwiCat wrote: I edited the story, so it read more fluently. Yes, the bag went to who is was intended to be for. If someone else had picked it up from outside the front door, then that would have been okay, it would have been someone sent by the universe to be cheered up!
lt33 wrote: Very nice pick me up you did for her kiwicat great job meant a lot to her with what all she's going thru 😊
leoladyc728 wrote: so sweet of you to do. I know she appreciated it
DANCE wrote: super kind
kjoyw wrote: Your wonderful kindness at work again!
mnc_91 wrote: Kindness at its best :-)
lindariebel wrote: What a loving secret.