Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Dear Friend of Mine

--by brindlegirl, posted Sep 1, 2016
A dear friend is having a hard time at the moment. A friend who is the kind to never admit it or ask for help. So I suggested we catch up as some "girl-time" is much needed by the sounds of things. My friend let me know she can't meet up with me this week because she is very short on cash and can not afford it.

Now this friend would never ask for money or allow me to pay for her. She is that type. You know, the independent would never accept or allow it. So, I'm taking her to lunch. And here's how...

I remembered I had two free discount coupons for a free lunch at a new place in town in my purse. I told her this and said I'd love to use them for both of us. She accepted. Because it isn't costing me, she feels okay about it!

Kindness always finds a way. 💜

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Enjoy your girlie time and lunch together :))). kindness is the way!
mnc_91 wrote: So very thoughtful and considerate, Nicole :-)
Mish wrote: Always 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
pyronik wrote: nice, sometimes it's just about finding a little time to spend with someone :-) free dinner is a good shout too
splain wrote: You found the perfect way of taking her to lunch and making her feel comfortable about accepting. You show great sensitivity
debmeron wrote: Perfect!
scushman wrote: Namaste 🙏💕∞🌍☪✝✡☯☮☸💕
kjoyw wrote: Kindness will always find a way! Thank you for making this happen.
leoladyc728 wrote: nice of you to share with your friend.
Novice50 wrote: Kindness always finds a way, especially in your hands!

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