Stories of Kindness from Around the World

When The Opportunity Presents Itself, Be Ready

--by brindlegirl, posted Sep 17, 2016
I've become very self absorbed and withdrawn this past week or two, I've noticed. Totally turning inward, which in all honesty, was probably needed.

I've felt lost and distant. Not my usual giving self at all. So yesterday I decided to claim back my mojo. The kindness mojo!

Our intentions are so, so very powerful because yesterday offered me so many opportunities for kindness. All because I had asked. All because I had "intended". I did totally awesome.

So many ways I gave. Too many to list even. Opportunity after opportunity presented itself. From people needing coins who just happen to be standing in front of me and I overhear, to lost little boys coming up to me for help, and me amazingly knowing just who his mother is and returning him. To later coming across a job opportunity which was just perfect for a friends daughter, and then taking the time to take a photo of it to send it to her.

Wow. I hope the kindness mojo is back. But in all honesty it's our intention. Our intention to be open and welcome any and all opportunities to be a blessing and gift on this day. So grateful yesterday to have been one 💜

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: the Universe presented the many kindness opps as much as you needed to do them :)). Mojo working!
Mish wrote: You were in the flow. Wonderful.
kjoyw wrote: Sounds like your Kindness Mojo was taking a rest and recharging itself and that's ok. It sure seems to be working now!
kat94 wrote: Yay, kindness is awesome :)
splain wrote: you turned this into a very lovely day for you and them
alisamom wrote: Yes, it seems like you needed a break to recover and now your mojo is back! Sounds like a great day! :)))
leoladyc728 wrote: glad you seized the day
RoseMarie wrote: So agree with Kate x 💓
ph8enix wrote: Keep going. You're doing amazing job. But, i wanted to notice that might have been your so-to-say "absence" that connected you to yourself again and made you realize what you need.

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