Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: the Universe presented the many kindness opps as much as you needed to do them :)). Mojo working!
Mish wrote: You were in the flow. Wonderful.
kjoyw wrote: Sounds like your Kindness Mojo was taking a rest and recharging itself and that's ok. It sure seems to be working now!
kat94 wrote: Yay, kindness is awesome :)
splain wrote: you turned this into a very lovely day for you and them
alisamom wrote: Yes, it seems like you needed a break to recover and now your mojo is back! Sounds like a great day! :)))
leoladyc728 wrote: glad you seized the day
RoseMarie wrote: So agree with Kate x 💓
ph8enix wrote: Keep going. You're doing amazing job. But, i wanted to notice that might have been your so-to-say "absence" that connected you to yourself again and made you realize what you need.