Readers Comments
Alisamom wrote: This is a wonderful post, I love it! I credit my recovery from depression solely to kind spring and everything I have learned and read here. Some days it's harder to be kind, and some days it's harder to write about being kind. The important thing is to just do it. And when you get discouraged, when you get tired, then you can still be kind to yourself until you rekindle that spark that enables you to be kind to others.
Alisamom wrote: Oh, and also, often I have a hard time writing about my raoks, but I look at it this way: I get so much inspiration here when others post about their acts of kindness, so maybe my posts will also inspire others to do a raok. That's why I share mine.
patjos wrote: Thanks for sharing Alisamom. makes it a little easier to share something now. And it'd be great to know how you all got here?
mindyjourney wrote: What a heart-felt delve into your dear spirit and thoughts, my friend <3. Appreciate your presence and support here. in our KS community. Thank you!
patjos wrote: Thanks mindy, right back at you, as they say! And yes, we are so very blessed, every moment we are!
debmeron wrote: you are at a loss of things to share??? I don't think so! you have posted a wonderfully wise story and shared of yourself... my suggestion... don't be so hard on yourself... you have much to share... thank you for doing so... Debbie from NJ, USA (& Israel)
speedyfrade wrote: I still need my meds, and help from my doctors, but slowly I'm changing that and I hope someday I can too se my depression far away in the past - and my Bipolar condition - ease with meditation, kindness, and a more natural way of living. I will need a huge dose of love: but I must spread the seeds now, so they can grow into the trees which will give me shelter in the future.
speedyfrade wrote: Ohh! I just share what i feel need to share. In those worst days I just read the posts, or just share a inspirational or lovely picture. Other days I post long stories, and amazing situations that I live through... and that I feel I should share with the world - never thinking if someone will read them: just share.
Mish wrote: Thank you for your beautiful open-hearted share, Patjos. We are all transformed by our sharing ourselves here. Sharing our journeys , our fears , our triumphs, our acts of kindness. Ours is a family of seekers, learning and growing together, we become our best selves and shine our collective light out into the world. Grateful for your beautiful energy that you share here 💕
patjos wrote: What can I say? Thanks for all of your shares and stories and kind words. It's gresat to hear from you all in