Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Seven Wonders of Love

--by sethi, posted Apr 26, 2009

Love is the highest emotion in life. When one practices love, one can love the self first and from there the love flows to your most cherished life members, family members , forever friends, and extends to your neighbors, your community, strangers, your city, your country, your continent, and ultimately, the universe.

Here is a love prescription, or rather a compilation of love exercises that I assembled which I hope can be a fruitful source of love generation for you: 

The seven ways to love oneself are:

1. When you wake up in the morning,give yourself three loving compliments.

 2. Before you go to sleep, think of three good things that happened to you that day.

 3. When you brush your teeth in the morning, look into your
   eyes and say, "I love you" and mean it.

 4. During the day, pay attention to any subtle energy shifts
    and ask your heart for guidance, when anything is off

  5. Put a white loving light of protection around yourself every

  6.Every three hours think of at least one thing that makes
        you laugh.

 7. Appreciate yourself for making at least one creative choice
        a day.

I  am practicing these seven ways to love myself and it makes a difference in my life each new day.

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Readers Comments

onefish2fish wrote: great ides! thsnks for sharing~ Stacey
JuneBug wrote: I am going to have to remember to take off my lipstick when I go into the bathroom to tell myself ''I love you!''...I can't see myself from all the lip prints! :)
AURELIA wrote: Good for you and great advice. :0)~aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: Thanks sethi-I will remember these! Love, Linda:)

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