Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Man At The Bus Stop

--by lewski711, posted Sep 18, 2016
I live about a mile from a gas station. In front of that gas station is a bus stop. I see people at that bus stop every single day, but I never really have looked at them.

A few days ago in the morning, as I was waiting at the light in front of the gas station, a man pushing a loaded down cart walked in front of me at the intersection. I recognized him. He was someone I had seen at the bus station before.

When I came home later in the day, I noticed him sitting at the bus stop again. And, the next morning, there he was. When I came home that evening, he was still there.

Suddenly I started noticing this man at the bus stop and realized he wasn't catching any bus. So, today I finally pulled into the gas station and introduced myself.

The man's name is Bill. He was reading a book and I apologized for interrupting him. I told him that I see him sitting there everyday and wondered what he needed, if anything.

Bill smiled and told me that the money from his check runs out halfway through the month and that sometimes people help him out with food. I plan on buying some extra groceries when I shop next and find out what kinds of books he likes to read.

I wonder how many others are like me and see someone in need everyday, but never think to ask them what they can do to assist.

#AprilRAOK #BeKindToOneAnother

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Readers Comments

splain wrote: " Iwonder how many
splain wrote: This is an eye opening post. There are many people out there who never get "seen".Thank you for seeing him and now helping him. love it
Rajni wrote: Your compassion may inspire others.
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for really "seeing" and connecting with man :))))).
Novice50 wrote: Such a good question - how many people to we "see" and not see? Thank you for sharing compassion with him.
leoladyc728 wrote: so right that you took the time to talk to him.
patjos wrote: Thank you.
kmbhai wrote: good observer ...
RoseMarie wrote: Yes, this is an eye opener, I think we all need to be more vigilant. X 💓
BLINGUE wrote: I would like the people think that still it's possible!

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