Readers Comments
breezuschrist wrote: That is wonderful! You probably made his day, just by listening to him!
pyronik wrote: yes, just showing that you paid attention is a great gift. Glad you were both happier :-)
patjos wrote: Lovely, thank you.
splain wrote: Just such a nice connection and it does make a difference to how your day starts
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for making the connection and enjoying the smiles :)))).
Mish wrote: Love these heart to heart connections we make with people who cross our paths
Novice50 wrote: You acted out of true kindness and compassion- there is no greater gift than being seen by another!
Rajni wrote: Grab opportunity to turn it aroung is appreciated.
debmeron wrote: Wow!
leoladyc728 wrote: so glad you remembered him. I love when that happens.