Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Woman at the Picnic Table

--by breezuschrist, posted Aug 20, 2016
My husband and I were having a conversation a few weeks ago about how life flies by quicker than you can imagine. This conversation was unexpected, but I really took it to heart. As we sat and spoke about how it seemed like yesterday was the first day we met.

We soon came to the realization that god has blessed us with three healthy years of marriage, a home, college educations, established careers and a loyal furry friend. We also came to the harsh reality that time does not slow down for anyone. Later that day we were on our way to a family event and as we pulled into the local gas station I noticed a woman sitting all alone at a picnic table. It was around 80 degrees and she was dressed in a winter jacket and long pants.

As we pulled away from the gas station, I told my husband that I needed to go home and take care of something first. I had such an overwhelming feeling that I needed to do something to help her and without saying anything, he understood. As we returned to our home, I went and gathered some items. I had just purchased a new backpack and I knew it was perfect for her because it matched her coat. I filled the backpack with some personal hygiene items, snacks, drinks, an inspirational card, a few books, pens and paper, a new pair of pajamas (desperately hoping they would fit her) and some new socks.

I told my husband I would be back soon, but that I had to take care of something before we left. He was completely understanding, knowing that we would be late. As I pulled back into the gas station, I got out of the car with the new backpack full of goodies. I walked up to the woman and I introduced myself and asked if it was okay if I sat down with her. I offered her the bag and she graciously accepted it. She then asked me if I would like to share a snack from the back pack, with her, as she had not had anything to eat today. I agreed and for over an hour and a half I sat there with her, a proud mother and wife who lost her entire family a few years ago.

She was once a school teacher who found joy in molding the youth of our nation; but she was unable to mentally return to work after the accident. She explained that the reason she wore that particular outfit; it was the last outfit she bought with her daughter and it sparked good memories with her. She explained that she sat with her family at that very picnic table. She told me that her daughter and her would often play card games at the table; while her husband and son fished in the river right down the hill.

We shared smiles and tears. Not only did I help this women,  but she too helped me to realize that every moment is such a precious gift and in the blink of an eye, everything can change. Make sure that you hug your loved ones extra tight today!
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Readers Comments

leoladyc728 wrote: that was so very sweet and I know you made that woman's day
splain wrote: I so love what you did with this woman. You have a beautiful heart. The greatest gift you gave her was in talking and listening to her
Mish wrote: Powerful sharing. Bless.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for seeing the need, acting on it and sharing with woman, not only the material gifts but your companionship as well.
alisamom wrote: you did such a great act of kindness, you are a hero! <3
DANCE wrote: wow, wonderful thing to do, and love the fact that she asked you to share a snack :-)
breezuschrist wrote: Thank you all for your kind words! I just realized that the end was cut off, so I corrected that! God bless all of you and give your families big hugs today and let them know what they really mean to you! :)
Novice50 wrote: This is one of the most powerful stories I have read. Thank you for sharing and for your compassion and kindness.
cyctw wrote: Thank you for seeing this lady as a human being, who deserves love, kindness, and respect. You served her all<3.
Loni Todoroki wrote: What amazing fragments of someone's life can be shared if we just ask. Thank you for asking this woman. Especially!

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