Stories of Kindness from Around the World

She Signed Up For A Course and Got To be A 'Kindness Angel'

--by AndiCas, posted Sep 20, 2016
I've not been around here much recently as I have been exceptionally busy with courses etc these last months. One of the courses we host is a Permaculture Design Course, and I want to tell you about the 'Kindness Angel' that our teacher has introduced into this year's events.

On the wall of the classroom are taped envelopes, and each has on it the name of someone on site. Those names are also written on slips of paper and one is randomly slipped into each envelope. When you go to 'your' envelope, this slip of paper is the name of the person that you are going to act as 'Kindness Angel' for for the duration of the event.

Of course, people are away from home and have limited resources to create large or flashy kindnesses, so they're being inventive. It is marvelous to see people sneaking away other people's dishes to wash, leaving kind notes, and paying forward treats from the tuck shop. And as people have kindness on their minds, they're not just providing little kindnesses for their own person, but for everyone. It's lovely to see.

Following the last course I gave my younger son 'his' envelope as it was stuffed full of little notes. Someone had drawn him a little lego character, someone else had gifted him a beautiful snail's shell that they had found. He's kept it all :)
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Readers Comments

mnc_91 wrote: What a kinder world it will be if we act like a kindness angel :-) Wonderful share :-)
suse15 wrote: What a lovely idea!
alisamom wrote: I've been thinking of you but I know summer must be a busy time :) I love your kindness angel idea, that's so awesome!
mindyjourney wrote: LOVE this idea <3. Thank you for sharing with us :)). Kindness angels everywhere! Especially in loving creative ways.
DANCE wrote: What a lovely thing to do!!!!!!
splain wrote: Kindness Angels. Now that is a great idea.
pyronik wrote: that's amazing :-) I love the creativity, & I bet it's helping the volunteers bond & feel more settled.
kiwicat wrote: That's fantastic!! what a great way to get the kindness spirit going, and I love they need to be resourceful to do it!! and welcome back, lovely to see you here x x x
Mish wrote: Love this, Andi!!! Happy to see you too :))))
leoladyc728 wrote: it all sounds so wonderful. glad your son got an envelope too.

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