Readers Comments
patjos wrote: Thanks so much for sharing your teaching about self-compassion. It is so very needful.
melnotes wrote: I so admire you and your courage to do what was right for you in this moment, understand also that releasing of emotions and deep pain within. So glad you gave yourself this time, thank you for sharing xxx
AndiCas wrote: I have huge admiration for your bravery in telling your truth, and kudos to your employers for their role in allowing you to heal yourself as you know how.
splain wrote: It is so hard to acknowledge that you are in so much pain. A great step forward in telling work that you just couldn't come in because of how you were emotionally. very brave of you. You have yourself a great gift of putting yourself first. A beautiful and honest share
mish wrote: Sensitive hearts need times of release . I know I do. Glad you respected your inner urge and were able to do this. Big hug for this. 😘😘😘
mindyjourney wrote: to be honest and face the release is so very essential in healing, my friend <3. thank you for doing and give yourself a lovely look in the mirror, right into will see your beautiful soul looking back at you :)))))))))).
John74 wrote: That is very beautiful! Thank you for your sharing and thank you for being you! Big Hugs! XXXXXX.
lt33 wrote: Wow you were so brave to be honest with your work so glad they understood most jobs wouldn't glad you were able to reconnect with yourself and have a good cry there's days I feel like that too wake up and think something's off today and I don't even know why but those days we just have to be kind to ourselves hugs 🙌🙌
debmeron wrote: wow... what a kindness to yourself... inspiring... we all need to do that sometimes...
kjoyw wrote: So well done! Really glad to admit to your feelings and not shove them aside and were honest about them. Some of my biggest healings have come after such times as you describe. You feel that so much pressure has been lifted amd you are so much more at peace. Blessings.