Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Compassionate Clowning

--by gregacuna, posted Oct 2, 2016
I haven't been very active on KindSpring even though it is the site where I've felt the most connected over the past month or so. I believe there is a wonderful joy in sharing acts of kindness when it isn't about ego, but just the pure happiness of having the opportunity to help others. Still, this is a tough one coming from my own personal socialization.

Today I did one of my favorite activities: Compassionate Clowning. On Saturdays a group of us meet up at a local hospital and do an hour and half of clowning for kids with cancer. It's one of the most strange experiences of my life. It is both deeply rewarding and disturbing at the same time.

This afternoon there were so many kids who laughed out loud from my antics, but others were simply in too much pain to show the slightest of smiles. Holding the hand of a dying child is definitely the most difficult thing I've ever had to do in my life. I still don't know how to handle it. Not sure it does the child any good to have a stranger, and in my case a rather strange looking "foreigner," looking into their eyes with enough empathy that my pain cannot be hidden.

It is an experience I highly recommend for everyone. I've been doing it for about six months now and I'm still trying to understand what it all means to me, but just being able to touch them and bring some of them a little joy gives me a joy unlike anything else I've ever experienced. 
1993 Reads

Readers Comments

RoseMarie wrote: Thank yiu for sharing this beautiful story, what a fabulous kindness on your part. I am sure it is not easy but this is a great service to these children, their parents and the hospital staff. God bless you and all your team. X 💓
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for your compassionate clowning < anything, my friend, there is a balance there, a certain deeper understanding of the bittersweet gift of life and of the transitioning. Thank you for holding that space with such an open heart and give <3.
alisamom wrote: Wow, just wow, I'm speechless and I have goose bumps from reading your post. I have no adjectives to describe how much I think of you for doing this. Yo u are a true kindness hero.
savraj wrote: Oh so beautiful. Thankyou for your kindness, and not letting the sadness stop you. The children do need your smiles and laughter and sweet hands to hold.
DANCE wrote: what you do is simple wonderful and most loving!!!!!!
Mish wrote: This is sacred serving. Bless you.
leoladyc728 wrote: what a wonderful thing to do for those children. thank you
cobeacjack1 wrote: Your extra effort at wanting to bring lightness to such a heavy environment is a beautiful thing. Thanks you for serving in this way.
deanna1 wrote: Bless you all this is so beautiful!

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