Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Balloon Man

--by DANCE, posted Oct 9, 2016
I had a wonderful day at a country show. Noticed the man selling balloons. Always feel bad for them as they stand all day in the cold, the heat or the rain… I thought ‘this is my chance for another bit of kindness’…so went up to him and asked him if he’d give some child a free balloon if I paid for it. He agreed. As I was walking away a father with a boy approached him and I could hear the conversation behind my back: ‘How much do they cost?’…’Well, nothing because someone has just paid for it for you--’Oh’…Thank you!’

Later I went to get him a cold drink-it was very hot-and took it to him to thank him for having been honest and done it. We started talking. He told me that when he was young he’d done lots for charity, especially marathons. He has now problems standing or walking and needs an operation on his knee…SO good connection, great to give time for kindness. I’m delighted, a very rewarding experience for all of us I believe :-)
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Readers Comments

mish wrote: A super, open-hearted connection had there, as well as a sweet RAK! Bless.
kjoyw wrote: Think I see some minions balloons in there!
verityngnosis wrote: 👍👍
Mitalichawla wrote: honesty of tht man is appreciated .. you not only gave baloon to the kid but also a drink to seller for being honest so double kindness it was.. well done
mindyjourney wrote: Oh look! Minion balloons too :))). thank you for your double kindness, my friend, for free ballon and for the vender!
splain wrote: It was such a kind thing you did. also he got to chat to you and good connect. Nice on Dance
leoladyc728 wrote: so kind of you
RoseMarie wrote: Brilliant share thank you. X
Rajni wrote: Very good way to help others. Kindness is never wasted it returns to us in any form. You did a very good job. It is greatly appreciated. May others be inspired by your kindness.

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