Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Three Women I Met On a NYC Subway

--by Mish, posted Oct 7, 2016
I felt "Oneness" on the NYC subway today...

I made three new friends on the subway. Two on the trip into the city and one on the way home. Three women. One nine months pregnant, who sat next to me when my husband insisted she take his seat (she refused his offer at first). She was from Spain and we chatted the whole trip into the city. Another was a young woman from Venezuela who I sat with on the bench waiting for our train to arrive. We talked about ten minutes. Exchanged cards (gave her a Smile Card & she gave me her website card. She's a healer).

The third woman came on the train on our return trip and we both smiled at each other when she sat opposite me , and a few times during the ride. I felt good energy coming from her. When she was exiting she smiled and wished us a good night and said get home safe. I felt connected with all three of these women I had never met before and feel blessed by the whole day. It was a day of good vibrations :))💕

"We are all each others "other self."
"I am he as you are He as you are me and we are all together" -John Lennon
"Love your Neighbor as yourself" -Jesus.
"We are all one divided into the many so that there may be union." -Richard Barnes, Musician, Poet

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Readers Comments

petroskryf wrote: I wish i was one of those privileged women in the train on the nyc subway, mish. Last year during our visit there, it was evident that people in general don't want to make too much eye contact on the subway. Not too much contact at all. But it takes only one friendly gesture from someone like you to start a conversation. Well done.
gregacuna wrote: Thank you for this story and for reaching out to touch the lives of strangers. If we could let go of our fears and break down boundaries more easily I'm sure the world would be full of so much joy. My daughter (now 13) was taught from infancy to "always talk to strangers" and it has not only been one of the greatest joys in my life seeing her bring joy to others, but I'm convinced she's learned how to understand the difference between the fear of the unknown and actual danger.
splain wrote: When you get to the stage where you just reach out and connect with anyone, wow. It is becomes a habit and a way of life. I often meet people and think , I feel like I have known them forever. We really are ALL ONE
leoladyc728 wrote: So glad you were able to get to the city today. We didn't even rain. What play did you see?
mindyjourney wrote: Oh, I so LOVE those in the flow days...when we can feel the loving energy from's becoming more and more the way it is <3... so grateful you enjoyed a loving ONE good vibration day!!
savraj wrote: Such beautiful connections today Mish! All sparks from the larger light!
Rajni wrote: Thank God that He sent you at the right place at the right time. And also spark within you got connected to three new friends. Kindness attitude does it all. Thanks for sharing this inspiring story.
kjoyw wrote: So very wonderful! We ARE all one. There was a time when ai did not feel like hay connection. So very grateful I do now.
RoseMarie wrote: The good energy and vibes are so difficult to hide even with lack of words, I get it. It's so important to remember we all are one. X 💓 very uplifting post dear Mish. I can see how this made a good vibrations day. 💓

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