Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Five Simple Rules To Be Happy

--by deneen, posted Mar 21, 2009

Posted above my computer are the following rules and maybe they can be yours too:

1. Free your heart from hatred.

2. Free your mind from worries

3. Live simply

4. Give more

5.  Expect less

Over the weekend, my husband and I bought a pack of diapers and baby wipes for our young neighbors next door, who are working hard to stay on their feet since the birth of their little baby girl a month ago.  It was not much and it certainly did not strain us financially, but I felt good leaving it at their door, anonymously. 

I struggle with this feeling that I am not able to do as much as I would like to for charitable causes since there are so many good ones that I believe in, and I am not someone who is supposedly blessed with an abundance of monetary wealth to disburse.  Yet, when I worry about not being able to give enough, I prevent myself from giving anything. So, once I forget about the worries, I remind myself that I can still give something to someone that can end up helping another person's day become just a little richer in their heart instead of in their wallet.

I could simply smile at another, hold the door open for someone, let someone go ahead of me in line, or hug someone who needs love.  The other thing I like to do is call my mom and my sisters just to let them know I am thinking about them.  We have a long distance phone plan that allows me to talk as often and as long as I like.  So I do!  Plus, I am additionally grateful that my husband is a truly supportive part of this process of giving to my community and to my family members!

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Readers Comments

PayingForward wrote: Thank you for this beautiful reminder. It sounds to me like you are someone with a very beautiful, caring heart. There is so much need in the world that sometimes it feels overwhelming and like the little we can do won't change things. However, each act of kindness and caring DOES make a difference and can have a beautiful ripple effect. In all ways and in all things, LOVE WINS. Grace and Peace to you ... today and always. :)
dazzle wrote: Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I really like that you addressed what you can do if you don't have a lot of money in order to help others. Everyone can do something whether they have money to help or not. Great ideas!
lmil1954 wrote: Thanks for sharing this. You did a nice thing for your neighbor and guaranteed it was appreciated! Giving you my smiles-love, Linda
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: There are so many ways we can be kind and make a difference that don't cost anything but a little bit of time. Thanks for being kind to your neighbors!
joyful wrote: WOW! You are a such a joy! Reading your post I could feel your warmth and compassion. Great post! :-)
helpinghand wrote: Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
AURELIA wrote: You are so special. Little things mean a lot and you've definitely know what matters in life. Keep making those phone calls to your family. :0) ~Aurelia
wayfarer wrote: Deneen, you are living a beautiful life!
mitu915 wrote: i love it! thank you! great reminders of generosity! :)

FaithFull wrote: What a blessing you are by reminding us of how a simple act of kindness impacts a life. Thank you! :)

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