Readers Comments
joyful wrote: How wonderful! Great post, You are a very kindhearted person, with a strong spirit, I send you hugs and love :-)
AURELIA wrote: You are Fantastic :0) I hope she does call you. I think you both would be good company for one another. Thank you for being such a caring 'friend'.
wayfarer wrote: Sparrow, you say it wasn't much, but I bet to that old lady it was the best thing in the world! Very well done!
liztree wrote: I agree with Wayfarer, powerful moments can come from simple gestures. I believe you did quite a lot!
lmil1954 wrote: Yes-it IS a lot! Thanks for your post-this small act of kindness to you was a large one for her. Thanks for caring, you make this world a better place-Love, Linda:)
bhappy wrote: SparrowDreams That was a huge act of kindness...Thank You so much for caring...Have A Blessed and Sunshine day.Becki
lovebug wrote: Any time you bring a smile to a persons face, it is a very big deal.
cabbage wrote: That is terrific and I hope she will call you so you can act on your kind intention again.....and I am sure it was a big deal to her! Thank you for spreading kindness!
tressyanne wrote: sometimes the littlest things brings the biggest joys.
Good for you.
Smiles to you
Good for you.
Smiles to you
sliderfive wrote: That is a big deal anytime you can make another person smile and start a conversation with a complete stranger.BRAVO