Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Importance of Getting It Right

--by jimpa, posted Mar 22, 2009

The old woman walked with a ramble as she pushed her shopping cart full of worldly possessions. She was dirty, her hair unkempt, her clothes torn, she reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. Most of her teeth missing, the image of a miserable wretch manifested before me.

She stopped and asked me for change. I invited her to lunch and she agreed.  So, we went across the street to an outdoor cafe so she could watch over her shopping cart, while we dined. The waitress was taken back by the presence of this woman and did not want to serve us, but forced herself. We ate our lunches - she was ravenous and the food disappeared almost as soon as it arrived.

When we were ready to leave, I was feeling pretty good about myself and then she asked for a hug.  It was then that I had to face myself and all the hidden repulsion and bias that I had for this woman. It was not her fault, but my reluctance and confusion must have shown. I gave her a passing type of hug and instantly felt shame. She thanked me for lunch and began to ramble off.

I stood there for a moment and realized, that I had failed to give this woman the one thing that cost nothing, Love - my house of cards fell. I called to the woman and caught up with her and asked her if I could give her a real hug and she agreed.  I got past my own stench and gave that women the best hug I've ever given anyone. That's getting it right she said afterward and her radiant smile lit my path as we parted.

The lesson I learned was that if you're going to give then give it your all and get it right the first time. Thank you for the lesson old woman where ever you are.

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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: Ohhhh, I don't think that old woman was JUST an old woman!
wayfarer wrote: VERY well done, Jimpa. You did what a lot of people wouldn't have. You let the God in you reach the God in her.
lovebug wrote: For several years God gave me the privilege of working with the people of the street. I was clueless as how to help another person, so I came to the computer and asked the question (what is the most important thing I need to know, to help the poor) the answer came back. Be willing to touch them. I took this as gospel, every one in town knows if you need a hug, go see the lovebug. It has indeed changed my life.
candle wrote: That's a beautiful story Jimpa thankyou x x x Love, candle
bhappy wrote: Jimpa, that is so beautiful and touching. Thank you so much for doing what a lot of people will not do . You cared and shared...God Bless You.Becki
tressyanne wrote: how sweet jimpa , thank you for sharing that wonderful story. smiles to you!!!!!!!!!!
lmil1954 wrote: jimpa, i am so proud of you and blessed to read your story. thank you so much for bringing this to light along with the smile of the old woman! Love, Linda:)
AURELIA wrote: Jimpa, You are such an inspiration to us all. I am so happy that you were able to spend time and show true compassion for the Lady who had a lesson to teach. :0) ~Aurelia
Ron wrote: This is a beautiful story however i will tell what i think and my experiences in this life. Although i am not an overly religious person i do believe that we are all gods children and put on this earth for a reason. I firmly believe that god test us when he places those in need in front of us to see how we react and if we are worthy. For me i have been blessed in many ways and always make a point of giving in someway to those that are placed in front of me asking for help. That could be me. I came into this world with nothing and will leave with nothing but a legacy. That is what is important to me.
cabbage wrote: Bless you for "getting it right" and thank you for sharing this beautiful story.

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