Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Tale of The Missing Flowers

--by Mish, posted Oct 15, 2016
I allowed myself to receive.

These flowers were gifted to me by our local florist. I had placed an order with him for flowers to be delivered to a dear friend overseas. For reasons unknown to both my florist and myself, the flowers were never delivered and after multiple contacts with the overseas supplier, who kept saying "tomorrow" for days on end (with no explanation!) we canceled the order.

My florist called to apologize and said he wanted to send me a bouquet of flowers to make up for the mishap. Even tho I assured him it wasn't his fault & that he didn't have any control over the mishandling of my order, he insisted he wanted to send me flowers. We went back and forth on this & finally I realized this was something that would make him feel better and that I should just say thank you and let him give!

I always post about allowing ourselves to receive and how it's a gift to the giver. It took me a while here to practice what I post!! Lol

When I shared this story with my friend who I wanted to receive my flowers, she said perhaps the universe felt you needed the flowers more. She made me smile.

Immediately after writing up this post, an email came in from this friend, telling me she had just received my flowers! In fact, our emails crossed, because I had sent her a copy of my post at the same time she sent me her email!

But wait..-it gets even more amazing ...

When I called my florist to tell him, he told me he is NOT CHARGING ME FOR THESE FLOWERS (!) because I am a good customer and he is sorry for the trouble I had with my order! He had told me yesterday that he was refunding my money since the flowers had not been delivered, so I didn't want him to be out the money since the flowers had finally been received. I was so amazed by his kindness.

Looks like the universe wanted us BOTH to have flowers :)
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Readers Comments

123ABCD wrote: That is such a beautiful story. I'm glad you accepted them. Sometimes you just have to receive and accept in order for someone else to feel the kindness you get through giving.
And that was very kind of you to think of giving your friend flowers. I'm glad you both received them :)
debmeron wrote: what a great great story... and I love the idea of your learning to receive... very hard for some just like giving is very hard for others... but both are important... may you have a flowery day... in more ways than one... :)
melnotes wrote: Awwwwww mish what an awesome gift to receive! You so deserve this beautiful bunch of flowers xx
DANCE wrote: What a lovely story and flowers!!!
mindyjourney wrote: Yay!! the Universe is smiling on you both :))), with such lovely flowers! Give/ really is the same! :))
kperrine wrote: A gift given to one who gives so many gifts! Such a wonderful story of how the Universe takes care of those who love and respect her
AndiCas wrote: The Universe knows best :)
RoseMarie wrote: Yes Mish, I agree with kperrine, a gift to one who gives so many gifts. Thus also shows how the Universe takes care of those who love and respect her. Lots of mystic about this post. X 💓
pyronik wrote: those flowers belong exactly where they are :-) They are lovely
kiwicat wrote: Thats a fantastic story. I also read about Rosemarie's post about receiving kindness and also took it to heart. I think I have inadvertently hurt people's feelings by turning down offers of 'gifts' and help. Im more aware too now x x x

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