Readers Comments
mitu915 wrote: thanks for this transformative piece! A positive attitude can change your world and mine! :)
molly273 wrote: Once again, this website comes through! This is very true.
lmil1954 wrote: Thanks modesto-very timely and true! Love, Linda:)
JuneBug wrote: It's funny how easily we can forget these things,especially during the hard times...We constantly need reminded! Thank you so much!!! :)
Jim wrote: I am a person who is close to retirement and i cannot say enough about how attitude effects your life as well as those around you. Pma (positive mental attitude) gets you trough the problems and accentuats the times that go well. If you have it keep it. If not, go find it.
LOAS wrote: I couldn't agree more. :)
lalit wrote: Thanks for this transformative piece! A positive attitude can change your world and mine!
cabbage wrote: That is sooooo true! Thanks for sharing. :-)