Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Secret Snow Wiper Will Strike Again!

--by brighteyes, posted Mar 28, 2009

After 2 false alerts the winter storm advisory today, tonight and tomorrow  is real  -- snow has been falling and accummulating. 

And I'm armed!  I made sure to put an extra pairs of  gloves, 2 ice scraper (small and large), and a small hand held brush for sweeping the snow in the front seat of my car.

What I'm also going to do is scout our work parking lot for a secret snow wiping and windshield cleaning, after I leave work.

I started this tradition a few years ago when my hubby and I discontinued car pooling. (I did not realize that he spoiled me- I'd sit in the nice, warm truck watching/waiting while he did the cleaning then drove us safely home.)

Now I do my own (ugh!).  I know how much work it involves, and  how cold you can get.  So I'm excited to be able to surprise someone with a cleaned car for their commute home after a long day at the office.

I picture them walking out the door, bundled up to the max, head down to block the wind and snow from their face then stopping abruptly in front of the car, saying "Oh WOW!"  Surely, they'd be surprised and pleased by this random act of kindness -- I know I would be!

Anyone care to join the Secret Snow Wiper's club?!?

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: We are having our Spring here. No snow ...but maybe I could clean off bird droppings ???? LOL ! :)...GOOD POST !!
FairyBubbles wrote: That is so lovely, your post made me smile too!
sparkle wrote: Excellent! :) A great idea x
Aurelia wrote: Fun Surprises :) That's a good idea Brighteyes...I would love you to be my neighbor :D
Gwen wrote: Greetings,

I am also a member of the secret snow wiper's club! I have been doing it for about 16 years - ever since i received my driver's license! My parents taught me and i am passing it along to my daughter.

The last person i helped was at work. She has bad knees and has a difficult time walking. I thought she would appreciate the help.

The next day, she emailed this to the entire staff at our school, "i would like to thank the person who cleaned the snow off my car last night. If i was a footprint expert i could find you. It was a treat. Thanks to who ever. "

It made my day to make her day!

grandmadee2003 wrote: We are done with snow here for this year, but i will remember to do this next year. I know how pleased i would be if someone did it for me.
irongrace wrote: What a "cool" idea!
cinnamonhead wrote: A wonderful idea! I will have to remember this for next winter
LOAS wrote: I love your attitude. How happy you are to do this for others. It's awesome. God bless you! :)
Swissmiss wrote: I once worked for a supervisor who did this for me one time. When he died a few years ago, that was the first thing i remembered about him - that kindness, that i'm sure he didn't even remember.

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