Stories of Kindness from Around the World

You Can...

--by AsianWoman, posted Apr 9, 2009
You Can

If you can't feed a billion people,
then feed just one.

If you can't hire twenty million unemployed,
then hire just one.

If you can't support an army,
then pray for one soldier.

If you can't cure disease,
then visit one person in the hospital.
One smile provides healing.

If you can't save the world,
then improve your community;
and if you can't improve your community,
then help your next-door neighbor.

We can't save the world,
but we can save those within hugging distance.

Don't give up.
Don't become overwhelmed.

We are responsible only for the people in our breathing space.

Charity begins with the next person you see.
Charity begins with just you and just me.

If everyone on earth felt this way,
what kind of planet would it be?

~A MountainWings Original
  by A Lisa Lindsey, Cincinnati, OH
1578 Reads

Readers Comments

lanhke21292 wrote: Bravo ^^
I have read a story named "you can" in the book Chicken soup for the soul. It is so sweet too ^^ Thanks for sharing.
AURELIA wrote: Thumbs Up :0) We all CAN do something. And together as a Team, We're the "Dream Team"... I like it! :0) ~Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: I like how Aurelia put it..Dream Team...That's great and so was your post!!! :)
lmil1954 wrote: Oh this would be the Planet of Where Love Abounds...yes, thank you for being a very special part of theis Dream Team. You are very wise, my friend! Love, Linda:)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Everything we do makes a difference. Thanks for sharing!

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