Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Touched By A Peace Dove

--by Mish, posted Nov 1, 2016
Eating out yesterday, the wait staff started singing happy birthday to a gal at the table near ours, as they brought her a piece of cake with a candle burning. We all joined in, and after, I handed her a peace dove (and shared about  fellow KindSpring member Mindy. and her peace dove mission). She gifted me with a beautiful smile and appreciation in return. Gave one to her friend as well, and on their way out they both stopped at our table to say thank you again. I wished her the best birthday year ever and felt that connection you share when kindness passes between you while looking in each others' eyes. ❤️

Grateful for the ease of connection Mindy's doves enable.

Thank you, Mindy, for adding so much kindness to our world. ❤️🌍❤️

(Image a Mindy photo collage)

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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: May Mindy's dove mission spread everywhere. Thank for sharing.
mindyjourney wrote: What a lovely connection! Those doves loves to help celebrate special occasions :)))). Thank you for sharing. The collage surprised me! Thank you for being so supportive of the dove's mission of Peace.
patjos wrote: I love that!
splain wrote: Those mindy doves just make people smile
leoladyc728 wrote: Isn't it great that we can all help Mindy with her peace dove mission?
kjoyw wrote: How very special you made her birthday! And I think you right about the eye contact. It is key in making connections!
RoseMarie wrote: I love the kindness that passes between kind eyes. X 💓

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