Stories of Kindness from Around the World

New York Adventure

--by savraj, posted Oct 24, 2016
The beauty of this past weekend lingers with me still. There were smiles aplenty and synchronicities around every corner! I'm still trying to absorb it all and maybe I never will because it was just so rich. Thankyou dear Mish, Mindy, Roger, Harvey and Rajni, for making it all so magical.

On Sunday before the show, Milan and I went to the United Nations building. Most areas of it were closed, so we were amazed when we walked around a corner and came upon a public display of flying doves in a huge dream catcher. They looked just like Mindy's doves but larger and with the United Nations insignia on them! They were made by children. We were amazed to see them and even more taken aback to see that there was one string with no dove. It must have fallen off.

Hmmmmm I wondered if it would be ok to gently attach one of Mindy's dove to the string. I pulled one out that was the same UN blue! Milan encouraged me to go for it. So I attached it to the empty string!! I'm not sure how long it will last there but for that moment a kindspring peace dove shone amongst the others with its message of peace and kindness.

I think it must have been at that same moment that Mindy and friends were making their way to the theatre and Mindy found a shiny Canadian dime to give to me!! And I think it must have been at that same moment that dear friend Rajni was making his way to us with his suitcase full of cards and gifts to share.

Eventually we all made our way to one another with wonderful stories to share! There seems to be this beautiful weaving of events that goes on behind the scenes as we go about our dailylives. In the end a beautifully complex design emerges. And  from a distance,
it looks perfect because everything is in fact perfect!!
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Readers Comments

leoladyc728 wrote: So very happy that you got to enjoy yourself in our city. Maybe next time, I will be able to meet you
splain wrote: I love you attaching mindy's dove to the display dove in the dream catcher. It has come home
AndiCas wrote: Loving how you just happened to have the perfect dove handy.
mindyjourney wrote: wow!!! dear savraj, so amazing our the ripples of Peace and the synchronicities that manifest <3. Greatful for our kindness connect and your and milan's loving energy as well.
Mish wrote: Synchronicities appear often when we are "in the flow" of life. We were "old friends" reuniting and the love energy we shared was so profoundly beauty-full. Grateful. I am still floating from it all.💕💕💕💕💕
kjoyw wrote: Such a beautiful post savraj with beautiful descriptions of all of you coming together. Such amazing experiences shared and memori s made. So happy for you all!
RoseMarie wrote: I wish I'd been there though Mish and Mindy kept us up to speed. You are one pretty lady dear savraj. X I'm so glad your KindSpring meet was beautiful and memorable. X
masukri wrote: Prolook websitr system
debbe530 wrote: Mish shared the video from the weekend, wow. You all took nyc by storm. Wish i could have been there this year. Xoxo
debbe530 wrote: Mish shared the video from the weekend, wow. You all took nyc by storm. Wish i could have been there this year. Xoxo

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