Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Get Well Basket for a Friend

--by bluebell, posted Apr 14, 2009

My husband told me that a friend of ours was not feeling well, so I packed a "get well basket" with croissants and strawberry jam, tea ( a certain tea called Love :) ), and a bar of chocolate and went to visit her in the morning. She was really down and hadn't eaten properly for the last 3 days.

So, I went home cooked some food and took it to her for the rest of the day. I would like to have helped her more but she thought I was already doing too much ( I didn't think so ). I hope she finds the strength to look for more help. I will be here if she needs me whenever she needs me.


1954 Reads

Readers Comments

FairyBubbles wrote: That was a really beautiful thing to do. You have a kind and gentle heart.
makesomeonesmile wrote: Good for you for taking the time to care and make a difference!
Modestobob wrote: Bluebell, you are so thoughful. When friends are down, there's nothing like a "care package" with wonderful things to eat. You're a gem! :) ModestoBob
sparkle wrote: Oh what a kind thing to do :) What a great friend- she's so lucky to have you! x
Ashly wrote: You have a very nice character.Keep it up!
unknown wrote: dear bluebell, your gifts and our love will aid your friend's recovery ... we join you here n now ...
May you be immensely blessed
love, deepula.
JuneBug wrote: What a sweet angel you are !!! That LOVE tea can make the difference in one's day !!!! :)
Aurelia wrote: You are a tremendous friend. I'm sure you really touched her heart. Don't be surprised if the favor is returned someday. :0) Smiles Are Contagious, Aurelia

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