Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Be A Pen Pal To Someone In The Military

--by Retta, posted Apr 16, 2009

Several months ago, I heard about this group, called Reagan Roundup. Started by the mother of one of the sailors on the USS Ronald Reagan, people started 'adopting' the sailors, sending cards, letters and packages to them. Like all good things, it grew and it now includes all branches of the military. 

My first soldier was an administrative assistant/driver at the Army base in Kuwait, just across the Iraqi border.  I sent her cards, amusing clippings, and goodies in her I-care packages.  This was her third tour there.  She worked 15 hour days, with no days off and had little time to write back.  But, when she did, she enthused how the little items I included in her packages made such a difference and she felt  her sacrifices and efforts were really being appreciated.  

We were pen pals for about 6 months when I got this email from her:

"Hi Retta, I am so glad that I actually have computer access today.  I wanted to let you know that I found out last week that I will be heading back to the states this weekend.  Talk about your short notice....  I wanted to let you know before anything else was mailed out.   I really wanted to tell you that you have made this deployment for me.  Your continued support and friendship has been such a breath of fresh air.  I have to tell you...sometimes it feels as if we are kind of forgotten about..sadly sometimes by our own families because the length of this war so far.  You are such an amazing person.  You have a huge heart....and I will never forget you.  If you would like to keep in touch once I redeploy my stateside address is as follows ..."

Well, Eva got home to her pre-teen daughter just in time for Mother's Day, and I'll continue to write her. 

I just heard from my new pen pal and have been putting together his next package.  It's just writing cheery notes and letters, just so they'll get something in the mail from someone who cares.  And if you can't afford to send packages, you can get a pen pal who just wants mail.

Regardless of what you feel about the war (I'm a mother, I hate all war!) these guys and gals are sacrificing a lot to do what their country asks of them.  And Bless them, they share all the goodies they get with each other.  Eva reported that whole batch of chocolate chip cookies was gone in 10 minutes!

So, here is yet another way if you want to make a difference!

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: That's outstanding! I pray for these men and women who put their lives on the line daily so we cansleep soundly each night...Thank you for your post! :)
AURELIA wrote: Sincere Gratitude!! You are awesome. Thanks for passing this on to us. I am definitely going to checkout Reagan Roundup!! :0) ~Aurelia
Spring wrote: WOW!I will chek it out too! I appreciate the carepackage idea, and think that is wonderful that you can do it and I hope lots of others will get involved and send out what they can.

makesomeonesmile wrote: I love it and will definitely check it out. Thanks for letting us know!
Retta wrote: Another thing Reagan Roundup members do is make up baskets for newborns of the troops, and sew up cooling scarves and sand scarves.

You may have seen these cooling scarves in stores, its a tube of fabric with 2 teaspoons of a special polymer inside that soaks up water, then releases it slowly and cools the wearer. The sand scarves are a finished rectangle of t-shirt type material that is wrapped about the face, protecting nose, mouth and ears from the fine sand flying about.

I just finished 50 cooling scarves that I'm shipping to a new unit of 350 Marines that just arrived in the hot season. Its already getting to the 120's and will get even hotter.
ShayK wrote: Wow! I have been blessed just by reading this! You have ,each one, touched my heart. You see i am a mother of a son serving in iraq. He received a package from someone just like one of you. He had just came off of a mission that really effected him. He was downhearted to say the least. That is until he got his little pick me up package from someone just like you. Someone who cares to give a little kindness and asks nothing in return. I am also going to check into this reagan roundup. My son may get to come home before the end of the year. That means someone elses son or daughter will be taking his place. What a great opratunity to pay it forward. Bless you for blessing me and my son.

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