Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Trusting Your Instinct to Help

--by BillK, posted Apr 21, 2009
The other day I had several errands to run.  As I started out, I noticed I was going to need to get gas in the next few days.  I had plenty to do the things I needed to do but something told me to go get gas, so I decided to trust it even though it didn’t really make much sense. 
The moment I started pumping the gas, I heard “thump, thump, thump, thump.”  Before I even looked up, I knew what that sound was:  a flat tire.  I knew instantly why I was there.  I walked over to the car where a lady was wondering what happened.  She rolled down her window and I asked her if I could help.  She was relieved and instantly replied, “Yes.”  I finished pumping my gas while she cleaned out her trunk to get to the spare tire.  I changed her tire and directed her where to go to get the tire fixed. As I was about to leave she said, “Thank you so much.  You sure have done your kind deed for today.  Actually, your kind deed qualifies for the whole week ahead.”  I thought it was really cool she was grateful and I told her she was welcome. 
As I thought about this incident, I realized that sometimes we are called to help others. The problem with most of us is that we do not trust our gut. I know without the shadow of a doubt I was directed to that gas station. I know this because the station that I went to was in the complete opposite direction of where I was headed. Something in my gut told me to go to that particular gas station, so I did.
I have learned to trust my gut and not question it. If you are inspired to do something out of the norm, I say do it. For me, changing my plans ever so slightly helped this woman who I am sure would have been stuck for a while in the sizzling Dallas heat. But because I “listened” and followed my intuition, I made one person’s day. I was now dirty and sweaty and needed to go back home to clean up a bit.  I didn’t get to all my errands but I sure felt good after doing the kind deed. When you learn to trust your intuition, you will not only transform your life, you will also help lots of people along the way.
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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Wow--fantastic story! I'm so glad you followed your gut and your story will inspire many others. :-)
You are awesome!
makesomeonesmile wrote: Everything happens for a reason! Thanks for cheerfully helping her out!
JuneBug wrote: I am glad you listening to your gut! I have been stranded along the highway and that's a scarey feeling for a female!!!To be inspired out of the norm is a great feat for me becos there's nothing 'normal' about me....:)
JayE wrote: Great story BillK! Way to go out of your way to help a stranger. Thanks for also convincing me to go with my gut...I often question myself on that. Have a great day:)
lmil1954 wrote: Hey Bill- so glad to hear from you. I think the "gut" feeling is god's direction. Thanks for listening...Love, Linda:)
aokn wrote: Thank you for sharing! The universe works in magical ways. It is important we listen to our intuiton and our hearts!
AURELIA wrote: Thanks for helping her out with a smile and for following that "gut" feeling or intuition! :0) ~Aurelia
pat wrote: Great experience! I hope i will learn to recognize such gut feelings and be able to act accordingly.

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