Stories of Kindness from Around the World

There's No Charge- Today ...

--by lt33, posted
There's no charge- today I decided I was gonna have a me day so I went to the mall. I went to Chick Fil A for lunch and went up to a young guy cashier named Cramer to pay for my meal. He told me the total , and as I was handing him $10, he said "That's ok,there's no charge!"

I was confused for a second then figured it out -wow he's paying it forward! I've done raok acts for people + now it's happening to me! I needed that - I haven't been feeling great and  it was a nice surprise. After I collected my thoughts I told Cramer "thank you sooo much."

I was able to pay it forward a little bit at my next stop, when I was using me retailmenot app. A woman behind me asked about it and while I saw she was waiting for it to upload, I went to the cashier next to her and used mine - she got 50% off too.

Readers Comments

Moon wrote: Trust
Oh we've got to trust
One another again
In some essentials.

Not the narrow little
Bargaining trust
That says: i'm for you
If you'll be for me. -

But a bigger trust,
A trust of the sun
That does not bother
About moth and rust,
And we see it shining
In one another.

Oh don't you trust me,
Don't burden me
With your life and affairs; don't
Thrust me
Into your cares.

But i think you may trust
The sun in me
That glows with just
As much glow as you see
In me, and no more.

But if it warms
Your heart's quick core
Why then trust it, it forms
One faithfulness more.

And be, oh be
A sun to me,
Not a weary, insistent

But a sun that shines
And goes dark, but shines
Again and entwines
With the sunshine in me

Till we both of us
Are more glorious
And more sunny
Msh wrote: This makes me want more , more chick kindness. To cheeka happy birthday from us!
Egg4 wrote: The hustle for kindness doesn't end, l-for love.
mindyjourney wrote: So nice to hear that you where recipient of kindness, my friend :))). You so deserve! And thank you for helping w/coupon too!
Mish wrote: Full of kind!! Beautiful 👍
savraj wrote: Lovely day of kindness! It's so nice to receive too!
kjoyw wrote: Just simply wonderful!
leoladyc728 wrote: great day of kindness all around
AndiCas wrote: kindnesses given and received. what a great day.

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