Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Begets Kindness Even on Social Media

--by alisamom, posted Nov 11, 2016
During my years of depression, I used to be very much "against" everything I disliked, especially on Facebook. Then after discovering KindSpring and learning new things, I realized that being "for" things I supported is much better for me. And so since then, I've been trying to only post/share/like/comment on positive things.

Over the past several months I have noticed that some friends started also liking pages and posts about kindness and positive quotes. One relative who I know is very hurt and angry - even she now has posts about being kind every once in a while!

It makes me understand that every little thing truly does matter, every little thing does make a difference - we are creating ripples worldwide!

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Readers Comments

horsegirl21 wrote: kindness is contagious!
Mish wrote: Well done by you, Heike. You started a kindness trend there!
savraj wrote: So true! The ripples spread infinitely on!
123ABCD wrote: Oh, beautiful! I am so happy for you.... it is definitely spreading, and what you said is so true! Thanks for sharing that. A good reminder for me :) Not that there is anything on KS that is negative :D :) <3
mindyjourney wrote: Yes, we are, my friend...and it such a joy to bear witness to those kindness ripples! :)))
leoladyc728 wrote: FB can be positive if you know where to look.
Lilijourney wrote: Ripples of kindness wherever we venture 💞 This sentiment
melnotes wrote: You have made such a difference in all you have done, thankyou :)
AndiCas wrote: I've only recently realised the power of interacting with positive material on FB. Like or share it, and FBs algorithm sends it out into the world:)
kjoyw wrote: So true! KS has helped so many with depression! Love those kindness ripples.

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