Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Can I Do Anything For You?

--by AndiCas, posted Nov 22, 2016
I've had a really rough week. So many lessons about kindness learnt. I have a friend I chat to via the computer. A couple of times now she's closed her messages with 'Can I do anything for you?'. It's just dawned on me how hugely supportive I've found that simple question. In reality there's little she could have done from many miles away, but just the offer meant the world.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Knowing someone cares and wants to help is a powerful kindness gift. Here's to a better week ahead for you, Andi. 💝
mindyjourney wrote: Just knowing someone is there for you, willing to lend an open heart and help is such a blessing, my friend.
leoladyc728 wrote: It is always wonderful for someone to take the time to listen to us, whether it be via phone ,in person or email.
kiwicat wrote: Big hugs. Caring for someone doesnt need to have physical appearance, it can be simple things like - praying, keeping someone in your thoughts, sending emails & messages on behalf of, and just being there on the end of a screen. Its a comfort to me to know that if I need it, there is a whole community of KS folks here at any time - please know that we are all here for you too lovely Andrea.
RoseMarie wrote: I'm glad someone made you feel supported during your rough week. X 💓
DANCE wrote: you are right, just hearing someone say 'I'm here if you need me' or 'can I help you' or anything of the sort.... so comforting...
kjoyw wrote: Sometimes it's enough to know that someone is there for you and ready and willing to help. Even if they are far away, just knowing that can offer great comfort and reassurance. Hope so much the coming week goes better for you. Blessings.
Rajni wrote: Your kindness brought you reward that someone is eager to help you. Thanks for sharing.

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