Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Such a Small Act But It Made Me So Happy

--by calpitojoey, posted Nov 20, 2016
One night I was traveling to work on my usual bus route. Upon our arrival at the terminal, I noticed that I was the only passenger left inside the bus. I looked around and from the opposite side of my chair, I saw a mobile phone in a chair that must have been left behind by a passenger.

That passenger was very happy that I returned to her the mobile phone. She was trying to get my name so that she could post on Facebook about what happened as a sort of an appreciation of what I did, but I told her not to worry about it. What is important is that when I saw her happy, I was also happy.
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Readers Comments

splain wrote: Very kind of you
speedyfrade wrote: So sweet :)
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for returning phone! Happiness is giving is such a wonderful thing :)
Mish wrote: Our gift is in the giving. Bless.
1sher wrote: good job world citizen~
kjoyw wrote: Such kindness! All done.
ruhaani wrote: wow... that's amazing!

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