Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Waste Not, Want Not!

--by AndiCas, posted Nov 18, 2016
Stopped by the side of the road the other day to make a call, I noticed that someone had dumped a couple of bin liners full of fabrics in the undergrowth. Investigations revealed clothing, bedding and other bits.

I retrieved and bundled into the car, and I've laundered and sorted. Some has been damaged by it's adventures, but the stuff protected by the bags is mainly quality clothing. I've bagged that up to donate. The stuff that's damaged has been sorted into good fabric which will go to a friend who sews, and rags to use here. My partner has a couple of old bed sheets to protect his wine making fermentation tanks from fruit flies.

Waste not, want not! Kindness to the environment by cleaning up, and giving things another use.
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Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: Bravo to everyone who saves things -- fabric, food, furniture -- that nature and humans have made with so much effort.
Rajni wrote: Good deed. Usually people are afraid to do so thinking what others will think about me? I have done such things many times. Reduce, reuse and recycle is what i love to do. Thanks for sharing.
kjoyw wrote: Such a good thing for you to do! Well done, you!
laughingsoul wrote: Wow it is amazing what you did, so inspiring, thank you so much!
RoseMarie wrote: Good of you to take the time to do this. X
Rajni wrote: Your Kindness in many ways is greatly appreciated. I did so many times in the past. Collect, wash/clean and donate clothings or else.
Lilijourney wrote: Tis a gift to be kind :) and creative :)
Mish wrote: Well done, Andi!!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for taking the time and investing the energy into repurposing what was just thrown away as waste :)).
leoladyc728 wrote: Wonderful kindness. I sometimes find really good clothing tossed in our garbage room. I take them and donate to the church or homeless shelter

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