Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Small Acts of Trix-Mix

--by Anita, posted Jan 27, 2006
Some deeds are big some are small, but the point is for us to think of other people.

I want to share the lovely feeling of joy on being around a bunch of 4 year olds for whom I was a complete stranger yet felt so bonded by my presence and connection.

Early this week, I offered to do some ‘story time reading’ at a local preschool. The kids and teachers were very excited about it. It was wonderful to be around these incredible kids who all picked their favorite storybooks for me to read. Due to time constraint, I could only read few books but promised the other kids to read them their favorite story the next time. I already made 2 trips to the school to keep my promise and looking forward to more!

I was thinking of ways to show my appreciation to the teachers and staff of an Elementary school that my daughter goes to. I made a small card, tied a bunch of fresh flowers and added a bag of home made cookies. I dropped in a Smile card along with the rest of the stuff and asked my daughter to anonymously drop it off at the school office. She immediately asked me if she could do the same for the school Janitor, Mr. Perez to make his day and feel him appreciated (we plan on doing that next Monday since Friday is their school day off).

To keep myself going, this afternoon I decided to show my appreciation for the mailman. I bought a bag of trix-mix and after putting it in a bag with a hand made card and a "SMILE Card", I left it at the mailbox (community mailbox to keep it anonymous!)
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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: These were really fantastic acts of kindness :)
smileswithhope wrote: That is such a sweet story. It especially brought a big smile to my face to read about your daughter's response to your act of kindness. :) beautiful ripples!
Zac wrote: Great story
iferlamb wrote: What a nice story! Isn't it so wonderful how accepting chldren are. They make you feel so welcome!

gipsysoul wrote: Well, this is two years later, but your story is still very lovely, Anita!

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