Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Response To A Friend Who Kindly Challenged Me

--by Gyrocloudy, posted Nov 9, 2016
A friend of mine watched me visit the KindSpring site. He asked: "what is that place you always visit?" Then I made a quick briefing for him. Then he was reflexive and asked: So, all of you people are boasting about good deeds?

I remained in silence. Then, a few minutes later I said:
No. We share positive thoughts and invite people to change for good. It's inspiration and daily doses of good vibes. It's an inspiration because you can emulate those good deeds and apply them into your life. And you start to change your world and spread kindness.

Then he replied: But that doesn't work too much. There are many evil on this planet and you guys are few against an army of negativity. Besides, you don't change anything by simply posting beautiful images and quotes. If you want to change the world, donate or something.

Then he was laughing. Then I replied: Which side do you choose? You can be part of that negativity army or you can join us. It's all about you. By posting images and quotes you're transforming your inner spirit and telling your subconscious every day that your world is beautiful. IT's your daily food for spirit. With those pictures and quotes, many depressed people find a light on their sad days. For your information, I've donated many times but I don't tell anyone because it's a little secret of happiness and I don't need to brag about that. Remember when you found those extra $20 in your wallet after you told me you had nothing to eat? It was a donation from me. So, you tell me if it changed your world or not.

He remained in silence. Then he said: I am sorry.

I told him:  Don't be. You can change your world if you want. No matter what. No matter the opposite army. Just start and spread. If virus can spread, then kindness too. Just imagine how many lives can change and be saved just by being kind.

Then he tried to smile but was very embarrassed. I just put a hand on his shoulder and told him: Just relax. Repel negativity. Embrace happiness.
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Readers Comments

Joanna wrote: Thank you for sharing this, and reminding us why we're here.
healingtree wrote: Awesome conversation. Thanks for allowing us to learn from it. It's true this site is far more than just prettiness, it is about how we train the mind to see positives, and go on to do things in that spirit. In this group it's not about boasting, it's about encouraging others. After all, we are anonymous and no one is really hearing about "us", but about kindness in action!
Rajni wrote: Very inspiring story. I posted on my fb account and i pasted it in my daily email of positivity plus something.
Very nicely and effective way you handles negativity and turned it into positivity in very humble way. I wish many more people just adopt your approach and leave positive note for everybody. Thanks for sharing.
sandra wrote: A pensive mood is what the conversation put me in - not good nor bad, just made me think. I have always enjoyed reading about the kindness that is shared on this website; it has made me have a positive outlook that people do want to be a part of kindness to others. This message opened another door. That of the fact that others may see the sharing as boastful. I'd never thought of it in that way. Ephesians 2:9 says, not of works, lest any man should boast. Just want you and all the others who are sharing their acts of kindness: i do not think the intent is boasting - it is a kindness sharing. Now i don't have to be pensive about it, but i do thank you for the opportunity to ponder upon the possibility. Keep on sharing the stories of acts of kindness - we all need to hear about them to encourage others also to be kind.
Virginia Reeves wrote: Good reminder that we are not boasting about our deeds and kind thoughts - we are sharing ideas of goodness and happiness. Imagine your friend had a change of mind and heart.
Melba wrote: A wonderful true story that inspires action in all of us! Thank you!
Bonnie wrote: I just signed up for a challenge starting nov 14, but. A password or a nickname screw up stopped that progress. I had it in my email, but when i got cleaning out that overcrowded email, i mistakenly deleted it. I will, once again, see if i can resurrect my deleted mail, but can't you tell me what is needed so i can reenter the required information.

Joann wrote: This is a very powerful statement about the nature of goodness and the "boomerang" effect of kind words and deeds. Thank you for explaining it all so well! Now we know better about what to say when we are asked about what we are doing.
SunGiver wrote: What an amazing story! You sure opened your friend's eyes. Canyons are carved through stone by the relentless rush of many drops of water, and so it is with kindness.
Caz wrote: Just noting that the poster is by artsyville ^_^ she has many similar, wonderful positive posters in her stop on etsy.

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