Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: Oh, my dear Smile King, thank you for shining your Light of positivity and love in the world :))). To release ourselves from the cycle of negativity is a HUGE blessing of creating more of the same ;))). Well said and well done, my friend :))). Thank you.
kjoyw wrote: So wonderful! 😊 Kate
Lilijourney wrote: Amen to the joy of positivity surging through our written stories
RoseMarie wrote: Love this post gyro. Lucky friend x 💓
Mish wrote: Awww Gyro, this is so beauty-full!!!! Love you â¤ï¸
pyronik wrote: :-) we're not "just posting", we're encouraging, & sharing. Creating an uplifting supportive environment to help with our kindness revolution! I love how you managed to get $20 into his wallet! Even something as simple as smiling at someone is enough to start a change, & sometimes we come here to remind us how to smile.
horsegirl21 wrote: Thank you Gyrocloudy for that reminder to repel negativity.
moonwalk wrote: Beautifully said (and felt)!
savraj wrote: Thankyou for your beautiful and kind responses to your friend. This brought tears to my eyes!
Trooper2 wrote: Goodonya, gyrocloudy. Job well done. Your story is so well written and express or reason for existence so anyone can read and understand what you have said. I put it on fb. Smiles 4 the miles