Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Clarity of Kindness

--by Chifundo, posted May 7, 2009

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world," said Gandhi.

Well, today I had two exams, so not much spare time, but afterwards I went and bought a sealed bag of cookies and gave them to a random person who got on my bus. She looked hungry and like she'd had a hard day. 

I am struggling at the moment. Faith and religion do not seem to mix in my head, and I have many conflicting views.  Sometimes decisions are so difficult. But I suppose without some confusion life would be boring!

One thing I am sure of is the importance of kindness. With kindness we can change the world, and work towards happy peace. Never stop trying to change the world!  Sunshine and smiles, I hope everyone has had a wonderful, fulfilling day.

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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: That's so true. We each have the ability to make a difference in someone's life every day. Even if its as simple as smiling. They'll remember that and they will smile in return. :) I hope your exams went well! :)
JuneBug wrote: Even in your confusion you did make a difference in someone else's life! Great job!!! :)
AURELIA wrote: Together we can change and make this world a Smiley Place :0) ~AUrelia
Dennis Parnassus wrote: You are lucky that faith and religion, when trying to unite, create confusion in your head! You develop faith in yourself by meeting life's challenges with courage and joy; you deepen your faith by keenly observing how every experience carries with it, more insight and guidance; you will learn to trust in your faith and the truth it reveals to you in your every moment. Re-legion, literally means: to re-connect; when, or how, did anyone, or anything, disconnect! ? ! By following your intuition your faith will move mountains; neither hope, nor despair for disconnection can replace your actual knowing from within. When "confusion", knocks on your door, make tea, get some treats, and fluff the pillows.
Sethi wrote: ;] great story! Keep at it. Everyone has bad days, its just people are so self absorbed to notice it. Your actions of kindness made me smile today. And for that, i must thank you. Thankyou

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