Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Ripples In Front of My Eyes

--by gregacuna, posted Nov 18, 2016
I was going to post about the wonderful time we had "clowning" at the hospital today, but that will wait a day or two because I had a truly magical day full of unexpected kindness.

A few weeks ago while wearing my magical hat and returning from clowning, a gentleman struck up a conversation and now we've become friends. He's a homeopathic doctor and asked me to come to the hospital where he practices to meet the chief doctor of the place to talk about possibly clowning at other hospitals. It ends up they started talking about various Muslim charitable organizations who they think would be interested in the Planet Earthlings project and Acting Kindly game. I felt so lucky to be able to interact with them and confirm we have so much in common.

Then on the way home on the bus, I gave up my seat to an older woman. But what really touched me was when a man I had offered my seat to earlier, ended up offering his seat to another woman. Each of those little contacts touched my heart.

Finally, on my way home I decided to stop at a street food vendor for an egg sandwich, and two boys who I've met a few times on that road and who were playing with me came up and asked me if I could buy them a boiled egg, the least expensive thing on the menu. I ordered them each a boiled egg and asked them to sit down. These are boys, maybe 11 or 12 years old, working on the street selling key chains and small toys for kids. When their eggs came sliced into wedges, they seemed delighted, but what happened next was totally incredible-- they each gave two wedges of their egg to a stray dog, and it seemed like the most natural thing in the world for them. Amazing.
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Readers Comments

Lawrence wrote: It's amazing the unbiased wisdom children can hold. When i grow up i want to rekindle that hidden knowledge within myself. What a world it would be if we could all relearn what we have forgot:))
MaryLynne wrote: That's an experience that "does a body good"! Thanks for sharing. It brought a smile to my face!
spd1029 wrote: Warms my heart i see this time and time again people that don't have sometimes the bare means or necessities show us the true meaning of giving and being kind
dianne4 wrote: Lovely collection of positive interactions.
mindyjourney wrote: First post i read today, my friend :)))). Thank you! Acting Kindly is rippling and rippling <3...and the dear kindness you give also inspires others :)). What sweet boys to share with a stray dog as well <3...Truly a kinder world, my friend :).
patjos wrote: Just wow, Greg!
alisamom wrote: What am amazing day! I just listened to nipun mehta talk about learning generosity from those having the least...seems like the two boys definitely are role models!
SmileSharer wrote: What an amazing day! Thank you for the reminder that one kind act leads to so many incredible things
DANCE wrote: I'm so touched by your stories, what a beautiful day so full of love and kindness
Mish wrote: beautiful the web of kindness there. Awesome

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