Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Dinner Is Over But Our Heart of Service Is Forever

--by cyctw, posted Nov 29, 2016
What a feeling! To connect with and serve others! Not long after we arrived, myself and the students at a transitional housing, we were greeted by two young sisters. I think they maybe have been 3 and 5 years old.

Each would grab one of us by the finger and drag us around. At one point, they had us all in their "jail". I couldn't help but think they didn't want us to leave. Their father sat and watched and I think he enjoyed the reprieve from his two daughters that we were able to offer; they had way more energy than one person could handle,

He told me how his wife was at work and he was searching for an apartment. I commented on those are easy to find, but difficult to afford. Quite true in our area. After a couple of hours, the three pans of lasagna were gone, along with much of the soup, salad, and desserts. Some residents allowed us to wait on them and even bus their dishes after. While others opted to take care of their own business. Either way, they all enjoyed the company that we offered and the food.

As dinner died down, the students all ended up outside with the children, playing silly games and just having some simple fun. At the end of the night, a few of us, along with the two young girls, sat in a circle and played their version of duck, duck, goose. As a few of the students left, the young girls gave each one a big hug. And when another bunch of student to leave but the girls weren't there,   they waited.

It was such a beautiful evening and we received much more than we expected and certainly more than we gave. I wouldn't be surprised if my students make a return trip, if for no other purpose than to see the children. I feel as if life has so much more meaning when I give with my heart, give of myself. I can't help but thank KinsSpring (and more widely, ServiceSpace) for allowing me the opportunity to see this and to act upon it.
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Readers Comments

leoladyc728 wrote: you are doing a wonderful thing. thank you
healingtree wrote: Wow, fantastic Work!
healingtree wrote: Awesome Going!
mindyjourney wrote: Many thanks, my kind friend :)))). Such joy in being of service to those in need. The friendship and deeper connect it builds is so very key....lovely share and gift. Thank you!
Mish wrote: How full of loving kindness. Bless all involved. So glad you shared with us.
RoseMarie wrote: Thank you for your wonderful update, yours is a big heart. X 💓
kjoyw wrote: Such a great post!

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