Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gandhi and The Bank Teller

--by patjos, posted Nov 24, 2016
After having read KindSpring member Mindyjourney's post about watching the movie Gandhi, I was reminded of an incident a couple of years back, it happened like this.

I walked into a bank in town a couple of years ago and waited in the queue. I was second in line and I couldn’t help overhearing the conversation in front of me. The teller must have been having a bad day and after asking how the customer was and so on, he began to complain about our government, blaming them for not doing enough to protect the coast from storms and floods as this had been much on the news at the time. He was in a pretty low state and by the way he was talking you could tell that he was really troubled about a lot of things going on in the world.

My heart went out to him, I was served next and all I could do was smile, I didn’t have any words.Afterwards, it came to me, something that had been bubbling under my own thoughts.

So I went and found a postcard and wrote about how all through history there have been dictators and tyrants and oppression and seemingly insurmountable difficulties of all sorts and yet here we are today, where are they all now, where are their kingdoms? Love remains, Love continues.

I took the card into the bank wandered around and left it there hoping that the teller would find it. Whether he did or not, I never found out, but it surely did someone some good, that I’m certain of.
As I wrote this out this morning and email arrived from a loved one with the picture below. Don't you just Love little nudges like this? :)

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Wow! What a great post, my friend...thank you for putting into words the incident of that day at the bank and how you found a way to redirect to a more postive focus. I have faith that the teller who needed to see the postcard did :)). Amazing nudge in your email today as well!!! Blessings of Peace, dear patrick <3.
Lilijourney wrote: I have tears of recognition in your post. TY Patrick 😊✨
Mish wrote: What you have shared here today in your chosen graphic is so needed right now here in the States, with many still in deep despair over our recent "election".
splain wrote: Thank you for such a really good post. That post card was a wonderful idea. When he finds it and he will:)) , it will make him feel better.
kjoyw wrote: Wonderful post! Your well written post and the quote from Gandhi are so very needed in US now. Thank you.
leoladyc728 wrote: we so need this in America now. Thank you
Rajni wrote: Very inspiring act. You have the right to work only but never to its fruits.
Let not the fruits of action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction. This is the translation of bhagavad gita, chapter 2, verse: 47. Unknowingly you lived by it. Thanks for sharing very good post.

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