Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Both Ways

--by splain, posted Dec 12, 2016
I had the loveliest day yesterday. My dear friend rang and she was just outside my house:)) she knows me well. She was worried about me and walks up the driveway with the biggest bucket of roses I have ever seen, at least 40 from her garden. We go back a long way. like sisters who fight, makeup, get cranky and finally as we are now old girls totally accept each other.

I am a listener and now when she talks about her problems, I just say the right things, accept and don't judge in my head or from my mouth. It used to be hard to do but now I have found a softness and a gentler way of being. I love being like this. Don't get me wrong. Sometimes those "mean thoughts" creep in but I let them flow out easily now. Ageing brings so many gifts and learning. To accept people has been the biggest gift for me. So we sat on the veranda feet on cushions and chatted about life. What a beautiful day.
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Readers Comments

pyronik wrote: how nice :-) & yes, being able to listen without judging always needs
pyronik wrote: is sometimes tough to maintain I mean.
kiwicat wrote: that sounds perfect, just soul food!
Rajni wrote: There is something beautiful in all the days. If not just try to skip that day. (This clearly means that you are not present that day in this universe) I have played with the words. You wrote little incident beautifully. Thanks for sharing.
Lilijourney wrote: lovely share :)
mindyjourney wrote: What a lovely bouquet of friendship and roses for you to enjoy <3...grateful you were able to relax in such a beautiful day!
leoladyc728 wrote: so wonderful that you had such an enjoyable day with your friend.The flowers sound lovely
AndiCas wrote: Lovely, lovely friendship.
melnotes wrote: I love that you have found that softness and can cherish and enjoy this relationship with your friend while being open and honest about how you feel too! Amazing :) Enjoy those roses, would have loved to have seen a pic of them, wow!
Mish wrote: We do mellow with age, don't we. I love your "vintage", Susanna. 😘

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