Readers Comments
pyronik wrote: how nice :-) & yes, being able to listen without judging always needs
pyronik wrote: is sometimes tough to maintain I mean.
kiwicat wrote: that sounds perfect, just soul food!
Rajni wrote: There is something beautiful in all the days. If not just try to skip that day. (This clearly means that you are not present that day in this universe) I have played with the words. You wrote little incident beautifully. Thanks for sharing.
Lilijourney wrote: lovely share :)
mindyjourney wrote: What a lovely bouquet of friendship and roses for you to enjoy <3...grateful you were able to relax in such a beautiful day!
leoladyc728 wrote: so wonderful that you had such an enjoyable day with your friend.The flowers sound lovely
AndiCas wrote: Lovely, lovely friendship.
melnotes wrote: I love that you have found that softness and can cherish and enjoy this relationship with your friend while being open and honest about how you feel too! Amazing :) Enjoy those roses, would have loved to have seen a pic of them, wow!
Mish wrote: We do mellow with age, don't we. I love your "vintage", Susanna. 😘