Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Children Leading The Way

--by Marleen, posted Dec 15, 2016
Just had to share Melvin's story! When he heard of Nepal he felt the urge to console these kids, and thought of what helps him.. his cuddly toy! So he drew a wonderful toy to make from scratch (even learned to sew!) and made 350 of these and personally delivered them to children in Nepal. 

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Readers Comments

RoseMarie wrote: Great story, I do love kindness in children, it seems to touch me even more than in adults. X 💓
splain wrote: What an incredible boy he is.
fairykats wrote: I am astounded at this, thanks for sharing it today!
Mish wrote: Mélvin is an honorary KSer.
janfour wrote: love this
mindyjourney wrote: Such kindness in the young ones! What a cutie and such dear comforts for the children :))).
judisalasin wrote: What a wonderful thing to do!
Peace_spirit wrote: So beautiful. Blessings. Sai ram

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