Readers Comments
melnotes wrote: This is awesome! I worked last year on Christmas day and our cooks are Jewish so they don't celebrate instead they come into work and cook a huge feast for staff and patients, its amazing. Wonderful effort and gift of kindness Kiwicat :)
pyronik wrote: fabulous :-)
splain wrote: Now that is a great idea. Good on you Ally and hubby:)))
DANCE wrote: wonderful idea and kindness
mindyjourney wrote: Evolving as we go, my kind kiwi :))). Thank you for your thinking ahead and lovely giving :))))).
Mish wrote: How truly, truly kind you both are! Bless.
Rajni wrote: We together with "Group" pack and distribute about 2000 gift bags for Christmas with many items. and Christmas cards too, mostly handmade. I am glad to see you doing the same.
kjoyw wrote: So very kind!
leoladyc728 wrote: you are so loving and kind. thank you for all you do
lt33 wrote: This made my 💜 full so nice of u to take out the time to shop + deliver xmas gifts to others they really appreciated it your effort 😉 u made their xmas a special one