Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Living Kindness Is What Changed Me

--by DANCE, posted Dec 15, 2016
For the first time in 2 years, I've managed to be kind to my ex.

After the horrendous things he's done and the crimes he committed I kept finding it very hard not to somehow insult him when I communicated with him (always by email or through lawyers).

I've been trying for a while now to meditate and wish him well in spite of it all. I only now managed and started with a very simple phrase 'I hope you are well'. This may sound silly or even mean but I could not possibly do anything of the sort at all. I'm pleased that I did it. Thinking, reading, meditating and living kindness has helped me.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for Lightening your load with loving kindness, my a challenge indeed, oh, but such a beauty-filled soul you shine!
1sher wrote: what a giant step~ I am still mediating between divorced parents who are now gravely ill - how much better for you now~peace onward
gardengal10 wrote: You found a way to overcome a very difficult situation and I think you found a good way to do it.
Mish wrote: Huge, Dance. Huge growth. Bless.
Rajni wrote: Granting forgiveness unconditionally is the first step to live in peacefully, spiritually and happily as well. I appreciate your kindness to your ex who have hurt you a lot. It is not easy to do so beautiful soul like yours can do it. Always having positive thoughts can bring miracles in life. Expect, believe and achieve. Thanks for sharing this courageous story for others to get inspired.
splain wrote: I so admire you doing this.
savraj wrote: Oh so wonderful. You are truly kind and strong.
kjoyw wrote: Wonderful growth!
leoladyc728 wrote: This is a tough thing to do, but in the long run it will help you and you can move on with less ill thoughts regarding him
cabbage wrote: Big hugs to you for being so brave and open. You are a shining star and example--thank you :-)

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