Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Golden Girls, Golden Guy and A Night at the Theater

--by LiliAB, posted Dec 14, 2016

My opportunities to serve in our community include ushering at our local community theater. Last night during the run of "DeathTrap", I spent time with 16 "Golden Girls" and 1 "Golden Guy" as they came by the caravan system from their Senior Living Park, to spend an evening of early dinner and theater.

Maize, who is 94 was the group's coordinator. She came with canes in each hand, leaning on one to direct the flow of the seniors to their assigned seats. When I offered my arm to help her into her seat, she complimented me on my manners. Ray stood when it was announced that all Veterans would be recognized, proudly stooping a little less as he rose to attention. I offered Vera a seat cushion, as her diminutive frame compromises her ability to see over patrons who are seated in front of her.

The twins, Leona and Lily, dressed in matching suits of coral pink, insisted on tipping me for my attentiveness in getting them both properly seated (money put in the general donation fund for the theater). Wanda came in, her wrap engulfed around her neck with her enlarged sunglasses perched on her head, like a peacock of color and pronouncement of her theatrical baring.

Ada and Juliana placed their fingers on my arm, connecting us as I brought them each a glass of the house wine. "Gracious thank you dear child" was what they stated when I offered them each a cocktail napkin.

My blessing is in the observation of how loving, considerate, and caring they are with each other. Like a beautiful tapestry of color , and shapes, each one brings a dimension that adds to the collective "Golden Glow".

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Readers Comments

gardengal10 wrote: What a great group and so wonderful that you were able to interact with them for a lovely dinner and play.
Mish wrote: Your power of description is wonder-full!! Full of such happy!
RoseMarie wrote: Yes, great power of description and I think I would have been more in are of these guests thsn whatever was on in the theatre x
RoseMarie wrote: Great seat by the way x 💓
DANCE wrote: Gorgeous
mindyjourney wrote: Truly a golden opportunity to bear witness to such a beautiful wings! Thank you, dear friend :))
splain wrote: Beautifully written. I felt I was there with your words
savraj wrote: A true blessing for all of you!
leoladyc728 wrote: what a wonderful group of people. So glad they got to enjoy their day and that you got to help with all of that.
kjoyw wrote: This is such a delightful post! Thank you!

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