Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Clergyman On The Park Bench

--by cyctw, posted Nov 30, 2016
This story is from a friend of mine:

While I was in Ojai this past weekend I came upon a man sitting at a bench by himself. I smiled and said hello. As I passed he yelled to me to come back. The man said that I was the only person who had smiled and said hello to him all day and it was near 1 pm. He said he was a reverend and asked where I was from; I said England. At that point, most people will say something like, near London. His response was, Birmingham? In fact, Birmingham is the largest city near my rural upbringing. We talked for quite some time and he told me that he needed money to get back home. Not knowing how much money I had, I told him I'd give him whatever was in my purse. He said he prayed that I'd have $47. When I opened the wallet in my purse and counted out the money I had exactly $47! I offered the man all of my money.

When I was told this story I had chills, as I'm sure that she did as she talked with this gentleman. The universe does work in mysterious ways<3.
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Readers Comments

splain wrote: Yes the universe does work in mysterious ways.
petroskryf wrote: Sometimes strangers are kinder than the people close to us. That's what travel taught me. The universe works in mysterious ways indeed.
mindyjourney wrote: Now, I've got chills :)))...for me that is a sign of the Divine. Thank you for sharing the share with us :))
Mish wrote: Chills indeed!!!!! Agree w/Mindy..sign of the Divine. Wow!
kjoyw wrote: Yes, chills for sure! Great story! Thank you for sharing.
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful story.
photogirl886 wrote: Beautiful. We need to smile and talk to people more often. Thank you!
Rajni wrote: Kindness counted exactly. It is divine blessings that help match that amount. Thanks for sharing.
swamiji ananda wrote: God is great and this shows he is watching our every move and dwells inside our heart bless you for sharing
God is great.

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